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Slow coffee

Hario V60- Slow coffee

Slow coffee 

Slow coffee comes out from a consumer´s need that becomes the fact of drinking coffee in a complete experience from the preparation until the coffee consumption.

The preparation process becomes into an emotion which is intense lived

Slow coffee mixes simplicity, design applied to the service and coffee preparation. 

If we talk about slow coffee, filter hot water and a blown to make the infusion without using any electrical machines are needed. 

Nowadays consumers and coffee lovers are more informed and become more demanding.

We enjoy just not only with a good coffee pleasure but also making it. 

We are all day connected to a cable. The alarm o´clock cable, the dryer cable, the mobile phone getting charged trough a cable, the laptop, the home telephone, the office computer…

When the weekend arrives we want time for us and not cables connections.

We make our coffee but not in the horrible office coffee machine or in the quick coffee machine where we make coffee every morning. 

We want something special and we found it in the slow coffee, a coffee which allows us to hear how a big coffee is being made, time to do it and taste it. A big coffee which is being done slowly, smelled and delicious drop by drop filtered. 

If you like this philosophy you are welcome to “slow coffee” which will allow you to enjoy ground coffee from its preparation until when you drink this cup of coffee. 

To become true this dream a good coffee is key and here is where Café Sabora can help you. You will need a good still water, previously heated and a coffee machine which not need cables. 

There are many options to choose between not cable coffee machines: 

Chemex coffee machine

Practically it is an icon of the modern design and an object of desire to the slow coffee connoisseurs, the aesthetic and functionality are conciliated there. 

It is true that an elegant piece of glass resist more the cone shape hot  with a higher cone where the coffee is done and a lower cone where the freshly coffee is collected. This cone it is used at the same time than a coffee machine. 

The traditional model is available in different models and it has a polished wood collar with a body tie which is used as a handle. 

It does not have mobile parts, electricity or plastic. There is just glass, filter paper coffee and water suitable for the slow coffee purists. 

Manual filter coffee machine without cables v-60 

The coffee machine which is known as V-60 of Hario, a japanesse company which was born in the last century 20´s , to provide glass products for laboratories it has been very fashionable in the last years between the slow coffee lovers.  

The system is very similar than the previous. Using this not cables coffee machine we are those who get controlled the water flow which help us to a better extraction and to get a good body coffee. 

The mill point for this coffee machine must be medium and the percentages that from our point of view provide a better result are 20 grams of coffee to 270 ml of water. Actually just 220 ml are used and the rest does not arrive to the end of the process. 

We must be sure that all the parts of the coffee machine are clean.

From this point we must follow these steps to get a good slow coffee:

  1. Put the paper filter in its place and soak it in hot water to remove bad tastes which may be stocked on it and preheat the coffee machine. Filters can have tastes from the bleach paper process which are important to remove. 

  2. Once all the water from the filter and the coffee cup are removed also this water must be disposed, add a mill medium consistency coffee.

  3. Pour slowly hot water, about 90 degrees, in the middle of the coffee mound and then put the rest in a circular manner. The idea is to put enough water to soak all the coffee but not filtering the water in the coffee cup. Hence we will do a pre infusion and we will get increased the coffee and the filter volume. Thus more resistance will be showed when all the water is poured. 

  4. Left to rest the coffee for 30 seconds and then put again the hot water on the coffee, slowly and following circular manners, making sure about not put the water straight on the filter´s borders. 

  5. This process should take about one minute, that´s why we advise you to use a jug where the filter and the water position can be always controlled. Once you get the coffee 220ml remove the filter. All the process should take you about 3 minutes and, at the end, the tablet should have still a little of water. 

Your coffee is ready to serve. 


Also known as a pressure air coffee machine it is very simple to use allowing prepare an excellent coffee in a few time. 

It is easy to move and to use in any occasion; we could say that it is the French press coffee machine evolution which uses a paper filter that uses the air pressure to make pass the water through the coffee. 

Just making pass the air by pressure makes the water goes through the filter to achieve coffee in a little space of time. Coffee is not touched by any other element than glass and air. 

It has a modern and practical design which allows making high quality slow coffee in less than two minutes. 

I´m looking forward for the weekend and be totally relaxed doing slow coffee. Remember that only a good coffee is needed, organic coffee is a good option, ground it following the before mentioned steps, heat still water and use one of the previous coffee machines. Welcome to the “Slow coffee world”, enjoy the feeling. 

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