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Organic decaffeinated. How to get it?

Organic decaffeinated

Organic decaffeinated.

To get organic decaffeinated it is essential that these decaffeinated coffee comes from organic coffee.  

Also coffee must not be treated with aggressive chemical products used to remove caffeine. You can check all about organic coffee in that previous post. How to do it?

Caffeine is an alkaloid which stimulates nervous system and hearth, that´s why it is important to drink a moderate amount of coffee.

Some people is more sensitive to caffeine, or due to medical advice, they use to drink decaffeinate coffee.

Coffee beans contain from 0,8% to 2,5% of caffeine, depending of its origin and variety.

Arabic coffee is nearest to 0,8% of caffeine and Robusta coffee to 2,5%. Decaffeinated process change coffee beans from 0,1% to 0,3% of caffeine.

Decaffeinated coffee works for people who cannot drink caffeine and do like coffee. 

A part of that, and just to be clear, caffeine is an alkaloide which comes from xantina´s group. From Xantina´s group comes theophylline (from tea) teobromine (from chocolate) and mateine (from mate) as well.

If you give up drinking caffeinated coffee, you should be careful with those products because they produce the same effect as they have caffeine as well.

Now, we will keep talking about decaffeinated coffee.

Until recently caffeine extraction process was so aggressive and usually deleted coffee taste and aroma.  


This process was done by using methylene chloride as chemical solvent.

Green coffee beans are dampened with water in order to get a porous surface and they are kept dampened in methylene chloride until the caffeine is gone. Solvent is removed by using an evaporator and then beans are cleaned and dried with hot air.

As you can see this decaffeinate process is not ecological. This process uses a compound, methylene chloride, as solvent which may be used industrially to remove painting or to clean some computer areas.

This process is not used in Café Sabora organic decaffeinated process.

In our case we have decided to use a technique which combines two natural elements, water and CO2

Coffee is treated with CO2, we make run carbon dioxide between beans, inside drums which are working in a pressure of 250 to 300 atmospheres.

In these pressures, properties are acquired in C0which gives to it dense fluids and gas diffusion capacity. That allows penetrating in beans and dissolve caffeine.

Liquid and rich C02 is directed and absorbed through vegetal coal filter allowing coming back C02 to drums and circuits. The already decaffeinated beans are dried. This process is not very aggressive and it achieves separate caffeine from coffee beans.

If you have already tried organic decaffeinated coffee you already know its taste, and those who have not, will find an amazing taste. A light decaffeinated coffee is obtained and using C02 method all aromas and tastes are kept. That is impossible by using other process.


Organic decaffeinated process allows obtaining coffee with real coffee taste.


This is a big advantage for those who cannot take caffeine because they can keep enjoying all the coffee taste and aroma in an organic decaffeinated coffee.

Decaffeinated coffee born from beans cultivated following organic coffee criteria and from a decaffeinated process which respects environment.

Do you like caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee? Do you choose decaffeinated coffee by your own or is it must?

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Director del Proyecto : Federico Asorey Consultoría e-Commerce
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